Tuesday 18 February 2014

What Is Gerund?

A gerund is a noun formed from a verb. All gerunds end -ing.
For example: swimming, running, drinking, etc.

Even though a gerund is a noun, a gerund can still take a direct object (like a verb). This is known as a gerund complement. For example:
·        running a mile
·        drinking a beer
More Examples of Gerunds
Below are some more examples of gerunds with their roles as nouns.

Acting is fun. (Gerund as the subject of a sentence)

Playing football is fun. (Here, football is the gerund complement of the gerund playing)

I love acting. It is so much more real than life. (A gerund as the direct object of the verb love)

I like to play blackjack. I'm not addicted to gambling, I'm addicted to sitting in a semi-circle. (Two gerunds, both objects of prepositions)

All Gerunds End -ing but So Do Present Participles
Even though all gerunds end with the suffix -ing, not every word which ends -ing is a gerund. The other common type of word which ends -ing is the present participle. Like gerunds, present participles are also formed from verbs (making them verbals), but they are not used as nouns. They are used as adjectives or when forming verbs in a progressive tense. For example:

·        Running the tap will clear the air pocket.
(This is a gerund.)
·        Can you fix the running tap?
(This is a present participle as an adjective.)
·        The tap was running for an hour.
(This is a present participle used to form the past progressive tense.)

Jadi ceritanya besok itu ulangan Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 8 TANGERANG, materinya ya gerund itu ( sama present participle juga ). Yaudah deh blogging sekalian belajar.

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